Lets start by the beginning...
It is an educational game about chemical explained in detail on YouTube. The teaching strategy used  in the game on firstly joy and then focuses on teaching. This game card is based on a simplified model of the synthesis of organic chemistry (chemical reactivity). But do not worry, because it is easy to understand, ChemiProject is an educational game and even  12 year old is able to play without too many complications. The seriousness of the game was such that it was presented by the European Commission in March 2018,  during the activity of science dissemination ''Expociencia of Valencia'' led by the University of Valencia in May 2018 and the next step will be the conference ESOF 2018 in Touluse, France.

But, in detail, Wich  is the goal of the game? 
Well, the easy answer is to win, it is a very competitive game. 2-8 players. And finish when a player to complete a chemical project (the target).

Being a little more specific, it is based to link with cards as in pure domino style. The interesting part is that these cards represent organic molecules. The variety of these compounds are very large, broadly speaking, organic chemical form all biological compounds such as the cholesterol, hormones like serotonin  or dopamine and many more besides chemical structures such as mustard gas, many medications and drugs.
As I said, it i connect the cards/molecules like dominoes, but using colors, not numbers, and each color can be attached to other colors.  Do not worry, you do not have to memorize these connections. Everything is in the schreme, and are a simple, after a couple of games, we can state that belongs to the category of simple games.

The milestone 🎯Each color represents a specific chemical structure within the molecule! 
Well, In chemistry these structures are called functional groupsBriefly... these parts of molecules are like puzzle pieces that can be joined to other pieces of specific puzzle (other functional groups). (Then, Each letter teaches you the reactivity of a specific molecule and the functional groups).

Of course, this is much more complicated in real life, but allows us to know some chemistry without going into the complicated world of organic chemistry.🔎
Additionally, we can also add that each compound/card/molecule has a description of their uses in the reality. This teaching strategy allows players or students acquire knowledge passively.

But can we say it is a fun game?  
Well ... yeah, it's a fun game... Why do you think that i am writting now? 😆

Okay, there are several variants of the game. In English  we have 5, (basiclly there is two different that you can combinate a make one bigger)
It is 2-8 players (bigger combination). But if all of you are new, please do not play more than 4, because you never will finish it Some time to get the hang is needed, but once caught, the game is fast. At some point you can deduct the objectives (chemical projects) of opponents, and make a good stratergy to block and to move quickly.

It is a very competitive game, and somehow leaves you,'' play dirty '' doing things that, extrapolated to real life, a good person would never ever do, so yes, THAT'S FUN!

Educational games are an inefficient way to study, if you do not like, it makes no sense. The first goal of every game, also educational games, must be to ensure the fun of its participants. Otherwise gets a book of advanced organic chemistry and get to study, will be much more efficient. A game should motivate, must give a new way to see a subject and this is the thing that chemiProject make to us.

But It is even more cool when you play with chemist. The way to annoy opponents usually involves BreakRules cards. BreakRules are achieved by performing chemical bonds (joining cards) in a specific way. Everything is explained in the instructions and such cards makes ChemiProject also a board game about questions. Usually they make some didactic question about chemistry, like in trivial style and usually, these questions nobody konws, No even the chemist, which is more funny.

Who can play? 
Obiously, the target audience are young people 18-30 who have affinity for board games and science. In short, it is an educational game for young people and adults.
But anyone who is able to read and reason without too many complications can play. It is for over 12 years and it is a perfect game to play in classrooms of secondary school to first university degree
Finally, it is an educational game teaches chemistry, but is it true what you teach?
This is difficult to answer. From what I have understood, not all unions/chemical reactions between the cards/molecules can be made by thousands of reasons , since the game uses a simplified model of organic chemistry making unreal a lot of reacctions, Its more important to be funny. The game will give you an idea, it will help understand a new view of how to view, understand the chemistry, and motivate but to learn real - organic chemistry, this game does not help. Moreover, all trivial questions  as well as the description of each card and molecular formula are completely real. Those who are really competitive learn a lot. Even there is proposed a series of exercises.

In conclusion. help and teach the game, but in the end, it's still a game, it will not teach you everything, It will  make you joy and motivate in sciencie.

Would you recommend it? 
I'm FAN 1! (did You think another answer?)
